Guest Blog Post: 18 Things to Get Rid of to Be Happy, Part 1 of 2

Everyone, believer or non-believer, wants to achieve happiness. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be happy as long as it is not our end-all goal. Other than not having a relationship with Christ, the biggest thing that holds us back from accomplishing our dreams is, unfortunately, ourselves. We put limitations on ourselves every day,…

12 Ways the Devil Uses Emotions Against Single Christians, Part 2 of 2

Last week, we talked about the place emotions have in the lives of believers. We were made in God’s image as emotional beings. Emotions were to enhance and deepen our relationships. Yet, Christians who happen to be single, we are also called to walk by faith and obedience, not emotions. Today, let’s review some of…

12 Ways the Devil Uses Emotions Against Single Christians, Part 1 of 2

Emotions are like hineys (or shall I say taxes)—everyone’s got them. Since we’re made in the image of God and He has emotions, we have emotions. Good, bad, or ugly, emotions are here to stay. Unfortunately, they often get the best of us. A calculator might be able to count the number of times I’ve…

The Real Blackout

Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The five who were foolish didn’t take enough olive oil for their lamps, but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil. Matthew…