My child,

beloved and adored, with a heart shivering cold, I see you are lonely at Christmas because you are not married.

I see you glance, a bit enviously, at happy couples laughing and holding hands in restaurants and walking around the mall. I hear your sighs when you see another couple get engaged. You look away in agitation when lovers kiss under the mistletoe and under the Christmas lights. Just last week you saw a couple discussing what they wanted to buy for their families and you told yourself, “I want to talk with my spouse about holiday plans!”

I know you’re not mad at them; you are sad for yourself.

You long for romance and swooning smiles. You crave to hold hands in church. You desire to cuddle and kiss under the mistletoe and become most intimate with the love of your life.

I know you thought you would be married by now, and you are disappointed with yourself. And you are disappointed with Me.

I see your struggling heart, My child.

I know exactly how many times you’ve asked Me, “God, when’s it going to be my turn?” I remember when you first asked yourself, “Is this all there is?” but I overheard you.

You stopped asking Me as a sad resignation that you will always be single and lonely gripped your heart.

Remember: I love you more than anything, My child. I was the One Who placed those desires for intimacy deep within your heart.

I died to provide you the best life you could possibly ever have. What you see before you is not all there is to your life.

You could not handle everything I have planned for you, My dear child. I have to grow your eyes of faith and obedience to match the plan I have for you. I have to prepare you for your blessing. For that reason, I will not tell you when you will meet your spouse and when you will get married. I need you focused on Me.

Right now I see that, for you, marriage is still more about what you can get out of it rather than what you have to offer it. You want a spouse to meet all your needs, fill in all your lonely places, and provide you constant companionship and romance. You are looking for marriage to do what only I can do.

Marriage is to be a reflection of Who I Am, both partners individually and together, as a couple. I am preparing them and preparing you for a lifetime union of a love that will honor and glorify Me, not substitute for Me.

Your days of joyful romances and loving glances will come.

You will flirt and exchange hearts and laugh together at your own private jokes. You will struggle together and overcome the obstacles which the enemy will hurl your way because of how much he hates godly dating that honors Me. You will kiss under the mistletoe. You will, one day, hold hands during the Christmas holidays with the one you will marry. It will be a beautiful union in My sight and in the eyes of your friends and family.

But not today.

And not tomorrow.

You must first know that I am the ultimate source of your strength, life, and light, whether I choose to keep you single or get you married. The desire for intimacy must first be met by Me. No human lover could ever take My place.

How could they? They are not Me. They could never be God to you.

The moment you try to replace Me with them, you will put yourself under the power of the enemy of your soul. You will become blinded and enslaved to someone who cannot bear the burden of being an idol to you and they will hurt and disappoint you.

Furthermore, you must know that you can honor your spouse and your marriage vows when your marriage becomes stale and boring from the monotony of everyday living. You must learn to be faithful, positive, grateful, and kind under stress, misunderstandings, in-laws, and the pressure of bills to pay and mouths to feed and illnesses. You must learn now to walk by faith, not by sight, so when the storms that I allow threaten your marriage, you will stand together, stronger, instead of push apart.

For now, be content to rest in Me every day, dear little one. Come in close… right here, under My arm. Find your peace, joy, life, and contentment right here in Me during the busyness of this sparkling holiday season.

I love you, My daughter, My son. Let the reason My Son came give you renewed hope.

Don’t let yourselves be disturbed. Trust in God and trust in me.

John 14:1  CJB

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