This weekend, we’re celebrating Memorial Day. I guess the wonders of spring were supposed to distract us from the fact that the longest stretch between federal holidays is the three months plus between Washington’s Birthday and Memorial Day.

Lots of barbecues, picnics, and pool parties are being planned for this first holiday off in over three months. Of course, it was not created to mark the beginning of summer and give us a reason to party outdoors. It was created to memorialize those who died serving our country while in the military.

Many have died to acquire and maintain basic freedoms here in America. Those who have benefited from the rights of freedom without fighting for it often have no comprehension of what it means to sacrifice for basic human rights.

Politicians, patriots, and the military understand that a takeover will drastically, fundamentally, and negatively affect the millions of citizens who are living within our borders with an expectation of being safe and secure.

If the enemy can take out the federal head of the country—in this case, President Trump and Washington DC—not only will they have destroyed an authoritative symbol representing the leader of the free world, they will cause us to be demoralized. And they will be enabled to more easily maneuver throughout the United States to crush local skirmishes. This would be easy when you understand that only 32% to 42% of the population lives in a household with a gun.

If an outside force were to capture all our influential institutions—government, law enforcement, military, media, education, churches, social services, banks, businesses—our nation as we know it will disappear. In its place will appear the loss of our freedom, plus the typically more restrictive institutions and demands of the conquering country.

Christian single, what does this have to do with you? Everything. Watch for parallels.

Biblical Background for Taking Back Ground

Back in ancient times, as now, wars were fought to take back or acquire more resources—human capital, land and fresh water, precious metals and gems, spices and industries, herds and flocks, passageways to even more lucrative and militarily strategic properties.

The general, usually the king, was considered the federal head of their nation and military. Defeating the general meant the conquering army automatically owned the defeated army and the country they represented.

Captured enemy soldiers were usually subjected to cruel torture before being unceremoniously killed and having their bodies mutilated as a further humiliation to the conquered army. Defeated nations were subjected to violent brutality, huge taxes, and oppressive policies.

The same is true of you spiritually. If the enemy can conquer you, the federal head of your body, soul, and spirit, they own you and everything you own. And the devil can use you to contaminate and dominate everyone that you know.

The same is true of you spiritually. If the enemy can conquer you, the federal head of your body, soul, and spirit, they own you and everything you own. And the devil can use you to contaminate and dominate everyone that you know. Click To Tweet

Example: Remember when the devil offered Jesus the kingdoms of this world if He would just fall down and worship him (Matt. 4:1–11 and Luke 4:1–13)? Notice that Jesus did not dispute that the devil owned the world and all its earthly kingdoms. How did the devil get planet earth?

Genesis 1:26–30, Romans 5:12–14, and 1 Corinthians 15:21–22, inform us that:

  1. Adam & Eve were the original designated rulers over earth.
  2. When they believed the devil’s lies, they became subject to him.
  3. The authority they had was surrendered to the enemy, and
  4. now he lords it over us as Adam’s descendants one person at a time, until each person gives his or her life back over to Jesus, Who bought back the human race with His blood, Matthew 28:18.
What You Must Do vs. What the Enemy Wants

You have been given dominion—rulership—because of and over your new life in Christ, Romans 5:17.

Old things have passed, new things have been planted in their place, 2 Corinthians 5:17.

We are to dominate our new lives, not in carnality, pride, and strong personalities, but powerfully by the Spirit of God and the Word of God, Revelation 20:6.

Christ’s singles, that includes taking responsibility for and dominion over our spiritual life, our love life, dating life, eating life, school, financial, church, neighborhood, temple maintenance, divorced, and family life. It includes all the aspects of our lives that make up who we are, 1 Corinthians 5:10.

If we have lost dominion over any aspect of our lives (think: any part that doesn’t look like what Jesus would have done), it is our responsibility to take it back, Romans 8:37, 2 Corinthians 2:11 & 6:7, Ephesians 4:27, and 1 John 4:4. I, too, am working on this.

The enemy will attempt to lie to you, just like he did to Adam & Eve. He wants to kill, steal, and destroy in your life and the lives of those around you, John 10:10

He wants to make you surrender to his authority so he can get you to do everything he wants you to do, which is John 10:10. That’s called giving him legal grounds, or permission, to remain and occupy. Then he’ll condemn you for sinning and he’ll own you twice, Revelation 12:10.

Worst part: he wants you to stay ignorant, fearful, guilty, and trapped, 2 Corinthians 10:3–6. Don’t stay there. Instead,

Take Back Your Ground.

To take back ground relinquished to the enemy, just like you have to do with other sins, you have change your mind about God, who you are, and who’s right (church term: repent), Numbers 23:19, Proverbs 28:13.

To God (and a godly Christian you trust who loves you), confess and forsake (abandon) your sins of passivity, stubborn ignorance, pride, spiritual laziness, and anything else that induced you to receive Satan’s lies. Be specific, 1 John 1:9.

Believe and receive what the blood of Jesus did for you: made you complete and set you free, Hebrews 11:1 and 1 Peter 3:18.

Ask Jesus to take authority back over the legal ground that you have surrendered to the enemy, for He has already triumphed over them, Colossians 2:15.

And ask Him to teach you how to never again give ground, which includes renewing your mind, Romans 12:1–2, learning to stand firm instead of buckle under pressure, Ephesians 6:10–18, and actively taking down strongholds, Ephesians 4:20–24, Philippians 4:6–8, and 2 Corinthians 10:3–6.

Trust that God loves you, and He will be able to use any time “wasted” after you lost ground for your good and His glory, Joel 2:25–27.

You can catch up with me during the week

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