Becoming a Kingdom Power Couple

Power couples: they dominate the media and we love them for it. Like the recent marriage of Prince Harry and his fiancée Meghan Markle—now the Duke & Duchess of Sussex—power couples have confidence, authority, influence, money, separately successful careers, and good looks. All eyes dart to them when they walk into a room together. They’re just as…

Things You Need to Know About Yourself Before You Start Dating Seriously

Most singles want to get married. Though statistically, more people in today’s culture opt to stay single, most want to be married eventually. Unless all your friends are dating and getting married, there is less pressure today to marry, especially when you’re younger. Concerned family members may express their wishes for you to complete the…

A Letter From God to His Single Child: When You Are Feeling Lonely at Christmas

My child, beloved and adored, with a heart shivering cold, I see you are lonely at Christmas because you are not married. I see you glance, a bit enviously, at happy couples laughing and holding hands in restaurants and walking around the mall. I hear your sighs when you see another couple get engaged. You…