15 Tips to Stay Pure While Waiting and Dating Without Mating

Summer is finally, officially, Memorial-Day-weekend here. The sun’s out longer, your dopamine levels are higher, and you’re ready for summer love. Many single Christians are already dating, and dating rather seriously. That’s wonderful! Many of you have tried dating and marriage the world’s way and, like my guest blogger from March 26, gotten the world’s…

Stay on the Trail

As many of you know from visiting my blog’s Face book page, I recently visited three of our beautiful national parks: Zion, Bryce Canyon, and Arches, all in Utah. As I was trooping up and down all sorts of trails and switchbacks and barely perceptible paths on sandy shale, I saw many forms of the…

Faith in the Free Fall

I did it. I escaped. After months of planning, I am finally officially early retired. Tonight as I am writing this weekend’s blog, it is only my second day of retirement. It’s weird, but wonderful. I feel like I’m free-falling through faith. I was joking at work earlier in the week that retiring has got…

Happy Mothers’ Day

A great big “Happy Mothers’ Day” goes to all you ladies who are moms, especially you who were single mothers. Most of you have or had literal, physical children. Many of you, like myself, did not have children physically. However, you have cared for others, you have helped raised siblings and cousins and nieces and…

To the Mother Who Hasn’t Been One Yet

He gives the childless woman a household, making her the joyful mother of children. Hallelujah! Psalm 113:9   HCSB This verse feels like a mockery, a point of despair, for many of my single sisters. Mother’s Day is a tough week for these women who wanted to have children by this time in their lives, but…