Let the Fun Begin, 2018 version! 35 More Holiday Questions

Can you believe it? After weeks and months of planning and anticipation and face-stuffing from Thanksgiving, the actual Christmas season is finally here! Meet this year’s list of 35 fun holiday questions—one for each day from now through Christmas day—and which you can use as icebreakers, or when you meet someone at an event. (Actually,…

It’s a Beautiful Way to Live

♥I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done. Psalms 9:1 GNT “This a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” Maya Angelou Thanksgiving is this Thursday in the US. Several other countries have their version of thanksgiving, complete with their own histories,…

I Did Not Send Them, My Child

You have many influences in your life, My single child. You allow information to bombard you from social media, television and radio, friends, family, coworkers, and pastors. Through your eyes, I see the billboards, bumper stickers, junk mail, election information, T-shirts, and You Tube videos which you see. I even know each word of every…

An Overlooked and Eligible Candidate

In what is perceived as today’s shrinking pool of eligible and godly bachelors and bachelorettes, how is one to go about finding an acceptable candidate? Are there other pools to fish from, especially if your church doesn’t have a singles group? (Or your church does have a singles group and well… “There’s no one there!”)…