I know today is Father’s Day. I know you have been having a difficult time raising your children alone.
I see you, My single son.
I see your struggles.
I see how tough it is to raise a child when the culture around you puts men down, especially fathers, with mocking and dismissive attitudes.
I feel the burden you carry of providing for your little flock. I see how seriously you take your responsibilities to watch and protect your children. I see how desperately you want to make a positive impact on the lives of those under your care, even when you don’t think you’ve done a good job of brushing their hair.
I hear your prayers. I love to hear from My single parents who know they must depend on Me to fulfill such a serious charge as caring for My littlest ones.
Your prayers, My single son, are a delicious, glorious incense filling the atmosphere before My throne. I am delighted that you understand how much you need to depend on Me for strength, wisdom, courage, and patience.
Let Me infuse you with My strength, wisdom, courage, and patience today. Please return to My Word later today to receive a fresh infusion of Me.
Though you sometimes feel like you are not even meeting the minimum requirements for being a single dad, I see your heart. I commend you for your efforts and for loving the children I gave you to raise.
You are not alone, My single son. I see many of My other single sons raising sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters alone, and they, too, are having a difficult time. I must infuse them with My strength, wisdom, courage, and patience every day, My son, just like I infuse you.
I am pleased that your undershepherd, your pastor, has made clear the responsibilities that you, along with My other earthly fathers, have to represent Me properly to the children I have given you to guard and steward.
I do not want anyone to stand in the way of the intimate relationship I want to develop individually with each of your children.
Your children are important to Me and My kingdom. Through your example, your guidance, your love, and your discipline, I can claim your children to become weapons of righteousness before the enemy of your soul can snatch them away. I have a destiny for each of your children that I have ordained you nurture at every stage of their development.
When your children were babies, I trained you to bring your brutal strength under My control so that you learned to be gentle. Because they learned you were strong and reliable and gentle, they learned I was strong and reliable and gentle.
When your children became toddlers, I trained you to be alert and patient, to communicate with someone who did not have an adult perspective, and how to teach them to obey. Because they learned respect, watchfulness, impulse control, trust, and obedience from you, they learned the fear of the Lord and good judgment.
When your children became school aged, I trained you how to persuade and encourage them, how to help them develop practical skills, and how to be fair and empathetic. Because they learned you were productive, had a good work ethic, and reasonable, fair, and compassionate, they learned that I was at work while they were sleeping. They learned I was reasonable, just, and compassionate.
When your children became adolescents, I taught you to ask their forgiveness for your mistakes. I trained you to let them make mistakes, to earn money, to participate in more activities, to earn more freedoms, and to become responsible within their relationships. Because they learned you were able to let them grow up and make adult decisions and accept adult consequences, they learned I would also allow them to make adult decisions and accept adult responsibilities. They learned I give both freedom and natural consequences, truth and mercy, within My boundaries.
When your children became adults, I taught you to be patient, loving, kind, honest, forgiving, and non-intrusive. Because they learned you were able to let them go and stay in touch with them using a light touch, they learned I was like the prodigal’s father. They learned I had wisdom, insight, and forgiveness to share, if they would come to Me.
Through your being a father, I see you now understand what your parents went through to raise you. May their earthly example, diligence, and love, poor though they may have been, motivate you to do better.
And may My example, diligence, and love in raising you, My single son, keep motivating you to love and good works. You matter. Keep up the good work.
Happy Father’s Day. From My heart to yours, your Heavenly Father.