Dangerous Sparks in the Church

I, like many other culture commentators, have observed a huge and dangerous phenomenon blazing through the body of Christ over a long period of time. It’s devouring whole entire churches, ministries, missionary communities, marriages, and singles groups. The world watches us indulging in this and, rightfully, wants no part of the gospel we preach because…

They Don’t Know What to Do With Us

As the population of the United States becomes increasingly and visibly single, it’s become conspicuous that the majority of US churches—at least 80%—don’t have singles ministries for people over the age of 35. Most singles ministries today are for millennials. I personally checked out the websites of America’s 25 biggest churches to see who had…

Report on Our First Annual Christian Singles Beach Retreat: Success!

When I first moved to California, it took me a little while to figure out whether I liked the mountains or the beach better. The beach won, hands down. I love love love love the beach. However, in all the years I lived there, though I went many times to the beach, I never went…

A Whiff of Heaven

Our sense of smell is something we rarely think about until we actually smell something. Many people are sensitive to certain scents, so they are unable to be around strong perfumes or to use certain laundry detergents. Often certain scents or smells trigger a memory within us. The smell of orange blossoms will always remind…