It’s finally happening. I can hardly believe it!
The Lord laid it on my heart over 36 years ago to go overseas for long-term missions work. I took the “scenic route” toward God’s goal for me, but since the callings and gifts of God are irrevocable I press on. (Romans 11:29; read in many translations here: https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Romans%2011:29 ),
To read more about my purpose, where I’m going, and what I’ll probably do there, click here: https://www.gofundme.com/hrp2jy-send-me-to-zimbabwe . Be sure to watch the video! There I share how I received my call and figured out where I was supposed to go.
It feels surreal to be so close to going to my called purpose after so many years. Getting my degrees, battling spiritual warfare left and right, recognizing the men who don’t fit my purpose, and learning from my mistakes and developing character, I have “fought” till now. And though it has been so long, my vision and passion for going is as strong as ever.
Is this how Joseph felt when he heard Pharaoh appoint him to the highest ruling position in Egypt after 13 years slaving and serving others?
I wonder if Ruth had that dream moment when she learned that Boaz had cleared the way for him to acquire her deceased husband’s land and marry him.
Maybe even Jesus had that final, fleeting moment right before He bowed His bloodied head on the cross. Perhaps He, too, realized that He had conquered the flesh and the devil and was about to finish off death and hell as soon as He were to say, “It is finished.”

Have you pressed toward a goal you didn’t know would turn out to be a long-term goal? I sure didn’t know. And… are you still fighting toward it?
Good! I want company in this hard-fought war to advance on God’s purpose. It’s so good to know that I’m not the only one who didn’t get it right the first time.
It seems few people in the Bible got their purpose from the Lord right the first time.
Expand the circle to include those who learned their purpose from Him, but had to take the scenic route to attain it, and you’ll include most of the rest of us.
In addition to the characters named above, you certainly could add Esther, Daniel, Peter, Mary Magdalene, Paul, and a whole bunch of others. Notice many of them were also single.
Feel free to insert your name, too. I added mine.
God doesn’t usually just hand us something we’re not ready to sustain. Preparation comes in many forms, all of which you need to maintain your blessing and calling and then climb up higher.
And since God didn’t revoke His call and gifts in you, you cannot revoke your involvement in His purpose for you. You’ve come too far to quit now!
Anyway, it’s more interesting and invigorating to press on to that purpose and see what God does in you and around you. I like who I am today compared to when I first received that call 36 years ago.

So you know your purpose. God has called you to a ministry, a mission, or a business.
You’re going at it, resisting the impulse to just forget it all. When you thought about not following through with it, you felt a burden—the type that identified itself with the Holy Spirit trying to get you back on track. So you restarted and kept going.
You recognize nearly everything you will need in the human realm: a degree, a license, a certification; a move, a business loan, a website. And you work at acquiring what you need to make it all the way into your dream.
Here are five things you will need to make it all the way into your dream:
1. Wisdom from your past. Review your path and see what you’ve learned so far and thank God and others for your growing wisdom.
I’ve learned, among other things, not to procrastinate, to watch for character, not to ignore that gut feeling from the Holy Spirit on a decision, and give grace when someone doesn’t keep a promise and they meant you no harm.
2.Tighten your circle. Not everyone who started the journey with you can finish it with you. I’m not saying be a snob. I’m just saying be aware that people change (including you), and you want to be immersed in an atmosphere that surrounds and supports your purpose.
I did this myself a few months ago, and continue to do so as I press forward.
3. Beware of sneaky distractions and get around them. If the Lord truly called you to His purpose, the enemy will use more subtle tactics to distract you from your calling since outright ones didn’t work before. An example: if you’re single and you desire to get married, the enemy will send people who most approximate what you’re looking for in an attempt to derail your destiny.
All sorts of distractions have come at me and I’ve been able to dodge most of them. I still stay aware, though.
4. Keep pouring fuel on your fire. Encouragement to keep going forward are needed especially as you get toward the end. Words of prophecy, blessing, positive and empowering words and actions must be received in your soul as you see the prize. If you need to, save encouraging memes as your phone lock screen.
I went to the Healing Rooms in my old church asking for prayer and healing recently. How refreshing that was!
5. Give God gratitude and glory both now and when you attain your purpose.
I’m thanking God in advance as I seek the financial gifts I need to move my things and fly to Zimbabwe.
I thank God I’m single as I press on toward God’s call for me. It keeps life uncomplicated as I reach the dream God had for me many years ago.