I haven’t worked at all on leaving a legacy. Have you?
Since I don’t have children, I haven’t been conscientious about it till lately.
When I hear things like the lyrics from Casting Crowns’ song Only Jesus https://youtu.be/VXIBP2BdYR8 or Sidewalk Prophets’ Live Like That https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfosSggwQS0, I think about what I will leave behind as I prepare to leave the US for the adventure of following God overseas. Then I look at the responses of those around me and realize I do have a legacy.
Encouraging a gift, talent, or godly desire in others is something I love to do, and I do this everywhere I go. If I hadn’t become a social worker, I probably would have become a career counselor and coach. That encouragement is part of my legacy and how I leave my mark.
Just this morning as I approached the inner library doors, a little fella (about 5 or 6) pushed the button on the inside for the automatic door to swing open (I hobble when I walk). When I hobbled through, I thanked him and his mother and told him, “You’d make a good scientist. You’re very good at observing things!” As I walked away, I heard her telling him, “See! You’ve always wanted to be a scientist!”

It’s awesome to see something bloom in others when you call it out of their heart.
I called it out of a friend who’d dabbled in photography on the side while he was working. When I asked him to take some outdoor portraits of me for my prayer cards, he agreed, researched, and did a fabulous job. He went on to take on a job as a children’s photographer.
I called it out of a former coworker who wanted to leave her profession to become a radio personality. She did, and she did! I don’t know if she’s still on the radio, but we were happy to see her pursue her goals back then.
Now, I have to warn you: there are many who are stuck in their personalities, jobs, and issues. They have no dreams, no godly ambitions, and no life. When they see you encouraging others or doing something else to leave a positive legacy, they’re going to take note and get ugly.

However, we’re not responsible for the reactions of those who don’t know us well and don’t love us or love God. You can dodge them, pray for them, love on them, and give them the same treatment as you do others when you speak life into them and call forth God’s purpose in them. We are still responsible for our legacy.
What have you left and what are you leaving to those who you care about?
Is what you’re leaving negative, demeaning, counteractive, complaining, depressing, and derogatory? Or is it positive, uplifting, encouraging, and affirming? Your words make an impact on others.
They’ll remember if your words encouraged and catapulted them into God’s future for them. They will also remember if your words were caustic, hateful, discouraging, or damaging.
Evil words have no impact on a heart that is stable in the Lord, just like an uncaused curse will do nothing to the intended recipient (https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Proverbs%2026:2).
One of my former pastors used to say, “What’s in a well comes up in a bucket.” Words reveal what’s in your heart, according to Jesus, Matthew 12:33–35, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+12%3A33-35&version=NASB.
You will produce the fruit of your lips differently if your heart is full of what’s in Galatians 5:19–21 (https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+5%3A19-21&version=NASB) than if your heart is full of what’s in 2 Peter 1:3–11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Peter+1%3A3-11&version=AMPC.

Remember that death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit, Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV). This means whichever result you love is the fruit you will consume.
If we care about how we impact others, we need to observe the words that come out of our heart and let the Holy Spirit interpret what they mean.
Now is a great time to turn it around and start basking in the light of God’s perfect, healing, lofty love if you tend to think and speak darkly. His love cleanses and heals. He died to set you completely free, so go to Him and get this taken care of so that it won’t fester worse.
Confess to Him what you’ve observed about what comes out of your mouth. Admit to Him that the legacy your lips have left so far is ugly and most unlike Who He is. Leave your issues with Him.
Ask for Him for a new heart and a new mouth that speaks like His does. Include that you want a different legacy from now on than what’s you’ve been shelling out. He’ll already have been at work when you utter the last word of your prayer.
And look for opportunities to speak life and love into those you care about.

For more ideas on how to leave a positive and fantastic mark, read this article by Lolly Daskal: https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/50-simple-ways-to-leave-your-mark.html I’ve unintentionally done most of these most of my adult life.
Continue to pray for me as I reach toward the upper call of God. All I need to get is that one-way plane ticket to Zimbabwe! More about that here: https://www.gofundme.com/hrp2jy-send-me-to-zimbabwe