To all,
I am so sorry I haven’t gotten back to you in such a long time.
Yes, I went to Africa to do missions training in 2019 and 2020. Between the pandemic, which closed all the borders, and the shenanigans that occurred while I was staying at the compound, the timing did not work out for me. I returned home to a western world gone mad with pandemic panic.
Meanwhile, while I was still in Africa, I sensed the Spirit of God nudging me to step out of singles ministry. I still do not understand why, but I stopped blogging, crafting memes, and posting new things about mature Christian singlehood to social media. I told my followers on IG and FB what had happened.
I’m not dating or anything like that. Many singles leave singles ministry when they get involved with someone; that’s definitely not me. I’m actively waiting on the Lord to direct my steps by slowly getting involved in my new church.
August is my month; it’s the month my spiritual journey with the Lord began in earnest all the way back to 1977. As I grew in Christ, I came to learn that eight is the number of new beginnings in the Bible. Looking back on my journey, August seems to be the month all my significant decisions were made.
As I post this message to my website in September, nothing significant happened for me last month. I’m still trusting the Lord, however—He’s still doing great things in the world and He’s definitely not done with neither you nor me yet!
It feels weird to not write. I do still enjoy writing; it’s just I’m not writing anything at the moment, let alone for singles. So, for now, this is the end of my blogging for you.
I hope you found something amongst my many posts that was helpful, inspirational, humorous, or otherwise something to think about. If you’ve ever Liked, Shared, or Commented On any of my social media posts or blogs, Thank you so much. I will keep my social media pages up till the Rapture or my passing, whichever comes first (I have to pay for each year my page stays on the Internet).
As I post my last post for the foreseeable future, I wish you all God’s best on your journey. I look forward to meeting you in heaven in between our worship of Jesus and serving Him in whatever mysterious capacity He has designated for us. Love and blessings, Glenda
24 ‘May the Lord bless you
and protect you.
25 May the Lord smile on you
and be gracious to you.
26 May the Lord show you his favor
and give you his peace.’
Numbers 6:24-25 NLT