This is not an exhaustive list, but most of these have shaped my doctrine and lifestyle. Note that most of my books are really old. When you deal with your issues up front, it helps you not to have to deal with them in your future with new books. And these aren’t the only books I’ve read.
Christian Living, General
Dr. Jay E. Adam: From Forgiven to Forgiving
Henry Blackaby: Experiencing God
Jerry Bridge: The Pursuit of Holiness
Gary Chapman: The Five Love Languages
Dr. Henry Cloud: Changes That Heal; Boundaries; How People Grow
Graham Cooke: The Way of the Warrior Series
Jim Cymbala: Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire
John Dawson: Taking Our Cities for God
Richard J. Foster: The Celebration of Discipline
Francis Frangipane; The Three Battlegrounds
Paul E. Little: How to Give Away Your Faith
Josh McDowell: Evidence That Demands a Verdict, vol. 1 & 2; More Than a Carpenter
Henri Nouwen: The Return of the Prodigal
J.I. Packer: Knowing God
Rebecca Manley Pippert: Out of the Saltshaker
Ken Sande, Esq.: The Peacemaker; The Peacemaking Pastor
Frances Shaeffer: How Should We Then Live
Hannah Whitall Smith: The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life
Chuck Swindoll: Dropping Your Guard; Hand Me Another Brick; Light the Original Match; Strengthening Your Grip; Improving Your Serve
Cynthia Tobias: The Way They Learn
Dr. Ed Welch: When People are Big and God is Small
Phillip Yancey: Prayer
Autobiographies & Biographies
Brother Andrew: God’s Smuggler
Corrie Ten Boom: The Hiding Place
George Müller: The Classic Autobiography of George Müller
Christian Dating
Elisabeth Elliot: Passion and Purity
Debra Fileta: Choosing Marriage
Joshua Harris: I Kissed Dating Goodbye; Boy Meets Girl
Dave Harvey: When Sinners Say I Do
Eric & Leslie Ludy: When God Writes Your Love Story
Josh McDowell: The Secret to Loving
Dr. Doug Raunikar: Choosing God’s Best
E.M. Bounds: Power Through Prayer; Purpose in Prayer; Spiritual Warfare
Elisabeth Elliot: Through Gates of Splendor
Brother Lawrence: The Practice of the Presence of God
Andrew Murray: The Prayer Life; Absolute Surrender
A.W. Tozer: In Pursuit of God; Knowledge of the Holy One; Prayer
Oswald Chambers: My Utmost for His Highest
Our Daily Bread electronic version available here: https://odb.org/
Charles H. Spurgeon: Morning and Evening
For Women Only
Calvary Chapel Pastors Wives: Redeemed and Restored
Michelle McKinney Hammond: What to Do Until Love Finds You
Barb Hughes: The Disciplines of a Godly Woman (her husband Kent wrote the original Disciplines of a Godly Man)
P.B. Wilson: Your Knight in Shining Armor
Christian Fiction (of which I’ve read precious few)
Paul Bunyan: Pilgrim’s Progress
Ted Dekker: Blink of an Eye, 3
Hannah Hurnard: Hinds Feet on High Places
C.S. Lewis: The Chronicles of Narnia series
Frank Peretti: This Present Darkness, Piercing the Darkness, Oath
John Sheldon: In His Steps
Understanding Personality
David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates: Please Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types