The Most Valuable Lesson I’ve Learned About Dating

I’m probably taking dating too seriously, because I don’t date much. I can number all the men I’ve dated on my fingers. Having a more serious, contemplative personality makes me take a long time to decide almost anything. The bigger the decision, the slower I am about it.  The fact that I’m about 60% introvert…

Reclaim the Original Mold

As a kid, I used to dream of doing something for a career, and it’s not what I’m doing right now.   True   False I’ve let others talk me into having my current career, but it has never felt right.   True   False I’m unhappy and bored doing what I’m doing for a living.   True   False I…

Working in the Parallel Universe

I was thinking about how, a long time ago, I deliberately chose to work in secular settings rather than cloister myself in church or religious settings. I’d hear sermons and stories about how Christians and church staff members would lose touch with unsaved people by surrounding themselves completely with believers, and rarely have an opportunity…

Velocity From Your Heart

“Don’t hoard treasure down here where it gets eaten by moths and corroded by rust or—worse!—stolen by burglars. Stockpile treasure in heaven, where it’s safe from moth and rust and burglars. It’s obvious, isn’t it? The place where your treasure is, is the place you will most want to be, and end up being.” Matthew…

Reframing Life 101: for the Single Christian

I’m sitting in a quiet motel in a remote region, trying to do some research and get some extra writing done. I keep getting interference with my wi-fi connections, both through my phone’s hotspot and with my laptop’s connection to the motel wi-fi. It worked well for one hour this afternoon as I was working…

The Twisted City Amongst Us

Community. What is it? What do you think it is? What community do you most feel connected with? What community do you wish you were connected to that you are distant from right now? “The married one!” comes to mind for many Christian singles. No one lives in a complete vacuum. You may have heard…

__ __ U __ __ __ __ __ __ __ : Can’t Spell This Without You

I love to play hangman when I’m trying to introduce a new topic or idea to my clients. For instance, when I’m doing financial skill-building and want to introduce the idea of budgeting, I will make them guess another word that better describes what a budget is. That’s because that “b-word” sounds so restrictive and…