Know What’s Better Than Loving Yourself?

I know I’m going to get in trouble with someone somewhere about this. Oh well; here goes. There is a lot of talk within the body of Christ telling us we need to love ourselves more. This is based on something Jesus said: And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with…

Fixing Your Love-Picker

Sonya (not her real name) slouched in her seat. She glanced down, ashamed to look me in the eye as she told me she’d gone back to her old “boyfriend” again. He was self-centered and more interested in using her and her car than in caring for her. “You know you have to fix your…

Practicing Accountability is Marriage Prep, Part 2 of 2

Last week, I talked about how our contemporary Western culture inclines us singles to a severe level of independence and lack of accountability. Not being accountable to anyone can cause problems in relationships. When you don’t answer to anyone, you can keep secrets and harbor addictions that will hurt relationships. Then, after the wedding, big,…

Practicing Accountability is Marriage Prep, Part 1 of 2

We’re pretty independent in the Western world. I consider myself very independent, sometimes refusing help from someone who offers to carry something for me when they see me hobbling. First-time visitors from eastern cultures are often amazed and shocked at the levels of self-sufficiency which we display. They don’t always think it’s good. Independence is…

Single Christian, Give Yourself Some Grace!

Can you believe it’s only been a couple of weeks since January 1? Me, either! According to a recent article by Scripps National, at least 75% of Americans planned to either lose weight or save more money in the coming year ( Were either of these plans on your priority list of things to accomplish…

Instead of Resolutions, Try This for 2019

Happy New Year to my Christian singles! I hope that you had a fun but safe New Year Eve’s celebration. Hopefully, you have recovered and are surveying the freshness of this brand new year, 2019. Did you make any New Years’ resolutions? How are you doing so far this year? I’m doing okay, but it’s…

For Those of Us Who Are Single and Content

  (Note: Today’s post is almost the opposite of last week’s!) It’s common knowledge that at least half of us are single, not just in the US but around the world, and many of us want to get married. When God created the first human, He realized that this creature did not have a corresponding…

When Your Life’s Not a Hallmark Movie

Years ago, I had a roommate who loved Hallmark movies. I never watch TV; I don’t even own one. I’d never heard of the Hallmark channel before, so I was intrigued. Were these merely televised versions of Harlequin romances? Were they as sappy as they sounded? I sat down to watch a few of them…

I Did Not Send Them, My Child

You have many influences in your life, My single child. You allow information to bombard you from social media, television and radio, friends, family, coworkers, and pastors. Through your eyes, I see the billboards, bumper stickers, junk mail, election information, T-shirts, and You Tube videos which you see. I even know each word of every…

An Overlooked and Eligible Candidate

In what is perceived as today’s shrinking pool of eligible and godly bachelors and bachelorettes, how is one to go about finding an acceptable candidate? Are there other pools to fish from, especially if your church doesn’t have a singles group? (Or your church does have a singles group and well… “There’s no one there!”)…