A Christian Single’s Guide to Self Acceptance

Christian Single, Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself questions like these? Why was I born with  (an unchangeable physical quality or imperfection)? God, what were you thinking when You made me? Why am I even here on this planet? If I could change one thing about my physical appearance, it would…

What Do You Do With a God Like That

“He didn’t have one of you. He wanted one, so He made one.” John Dawson, International Director, Reconciliation Schools of Youth With A Mission. He dreamed of you, this God of the universe. He wanted you in His universe that He created. He had so much love that He had poured out of His heart…

The Daily Battle

As I’m writing this, today is The Big Game: Super Bowl 50. The Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers are going to battle in the ultimate championship of the season in America’s biggest, baddest sport. It is the biggest sporting event of the year by far; last year’s game averaged 114.4 million views per minute,…