32 Christmas Holiday Self-Questions (one for each day from the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas) for Single Christians to answer, copy, paste, and circulate for fun! To see my answers, you’ll have to go to my blog’s Facebook page! Favorite Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner side dish (not main meat or dessert!): Favorite Christmas scripture: Do…
Can You Hear Me Now?
It’s Friday night. I’m at a retreat center up in the mountains in Southern California with a bunch of single Christians. All ages are present, but it’s mostly the “older crowd.” All colors, all backgrounds, came together. We ate dinner and did ice breakers and worshiped and received an awesome, reality-based teaching from our first…
A Blessing and a Prayer for you, my Single Christian Friend
May the Lord bless your path, your arrival, and your leaving. May He give you the wisdom you need to guide your plans. May your eyes be focused on the great marriages around you that have lasted so that you may have great examples, awesome inspiration, and fabulous mentors to guide you into your next…
Single Christians and Second Chances
I talk to single Christians all the time, both men and women, who have regrets. Deep regrets. Terrible memories of something they did or something they allowed. I hear it all the time. Often it is heartbreaking, what one person can put themselves through in a few years, a few months, a few minutes, that…
Reframing Life 101: for the Single Christian
I’m sitting in a quiet motel in a remote region, trying to do some research and get some extra writing done. I keep getting interference with my wi-fi connections, both through my phone’s hotspot and with my laptop’s connection to the motel wi-fi. It worked well for one hour this afternoon as I was working…
The Ultimate Family Reunion
I am on vacation at my every-other-year family reunion. They’re fun. I don’t live too close to any of my relatives, so I don’t get to see them all the time, and I cherish the opportunity to see them when I can. There’s the pre-reunion reunion. People start arriving from all over the country days…
Zombies vs the Living
A few weeks ago, a guest speaker at our church spoke about the difference between being “just a Christian” and being a follower of Christ. The way he explained the historical significance of the term “Christian” was very insightful. You could feel the spiritual atmosphere of the room change as people absorbed what he was…
Loving God With a Judas Heart
Faithful. Loyal. Trustworthy. What thoughts do these words bring to mind? Did any of you think, “Yep. That’s me, alright!” When I asked the Lord what I should be writing for this week’s blog, that word “faithful” came up. I did not associate myself with that word immediately. I know my heart, and it’s not…
Wrapped and Trapped or Freed Indeed
I don’t know about you, but I’m a work in progress. Part of that progress is working out bad habits and working in good ones. Is that difficult only for me, or is it sometimes hard for you too? Oh, good, I’m not the only one! Well, let’s sit down together and have a heart-to-heart…
Hey! Christian Single! What Are You Doing With All That Freedom?
For those of you Christian singles who are from the United States of America, Belarus, Burundi, Canada, Rwanda, and Somalia, Happy Independence Day this first weekend of July! I know that many other countries celebrate a similar national holiday; in Mexico, it is September 16, and in Australia, it is January 26. Norway celebrates its…