One Solitary Life

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village as the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another obscure village. He worked in a carpenter shop until he was thirty and then for three years was an itinerant preacher. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He…

Christmas Came to Send Easter

When I was a young child, I was very quiet, but observant and analytical. And, apparently, I asked a lot of questions. My dad once told me he used to call me The Question Box and shared examples of what that looked like on one occasion (“Why is the moon round?”). I guess I had…

Christian Single’s Guide to Surviving Cuffing Season: Eight Tips

Cold, wintry weather and the Christmas holidays—a deadly duo for Christian singles—are here in full swing. You stay bundled up in layers of warm winter clothes and wish for someone romantic to kiss while you warm up your car alone under foggy windows. You long to go to Christmas parties with your romantic someone… to…

It Is Enough

Living a simpler lifestyle has its benefits. It’s been seven months since I early retired. I knew ahead of time that I was going to have to simplify my lifestyle. I didn’t realize how many adjustments I was going to have to make to simplify my life. It helped that I had already taken steps…

A Letter From God to His Single Child: When You Are Feeling Lonely at Christmas

My child, beloved and adored, with a heart shivering cold, I see you are lonely at Christmas because you are not married. I see you glance, a bit enviously, at happy couples laughing and holding hands in restaurants and walking around the mall. I hear your sighs when you see another couple get engaged. You…

Let the Fun Begin, 2017 Version! 32 More Holiday Questions

Last year I posted a list of 32 fun Christmas holiday questions that got a little traction. This year I came up with 32 new fun holiday questions (one for each day from today through Christmas Eve) for you to answer for yourself, then copy and paste and share to social media, or to use…

25 Reasons That Comparisons Are Sure-Fire Loser Strategies for Single Christians

He got a new car. Man, that’s nice. And look at my piece of junk. Her house is so big and so beautiful. All I can afford is this tiny little apartment. Look at his muscles. I bet he uses steroids. She just got engaged and she’s not even that spiritual. I haven’t had a…

How to Affair-Proof Your Marriage While You’re Single

Just seeing the title of today’s post was painful for many of you. You were in a marriage that was destroyed by adultery. Or you were the one who helped instigate the divorce by getting involved with a married person and later regretted it. Sadly, you are not alone: statistics for those admitting having cheated…

Ten Things Single Christians Need to Know About Their Enemies

My friend, there will be enemies. No matter how nice and positive and friendly you are, there will be people who do not like you for whatever reason. And each enemy can be used in your life to prepare you for marriage, believe it or not! Here we go… There are different kinds of enemies.…

Money Talks, and So Should You, Part 2 of 2

Last week, I touched on seven reasons we single Christians need to get our finances under control. The seventh one, not in the list of six, was, “If you plan to ever get married.” Marriage has built-in pressures and difficulties. Finances always seem to make the top three to five reasons marriages get into trouble.…