Carnival fun house mirrors are amusing as we parade in front of them and see how they distort us. They don’t really change us, we know. When we walk out of the fun house, we look just like we did when we walked in because only our outward appearance changed temporarily. Wouldn’t it be great…
The Hot Potato of Singleness:
Remember playing that childhood game Hot Potato, when the object of the game was to quick hand it to someone else because you didn’t want to get stuck with it when the buzzer sounded? The last person to get rid of it was the winner. In childhood, it was kind of fun. However, as single…
Drowning in Guilt is a Terrible Way to Live
A few years ago, I almost drowned. It was horrible. I was hiking with a friend up through some rocky canyons where there were several waterfalls and pools of water. We went prepared to swim. Lots of people were already there playing in the waters, eating, talking, having a good time. My friend was tall,…
Speed Bumps and Potholes
Here it is, the day after Valentine’s Day, not 24 hours since my last post, and I have to go to the dentist. Yay! Does anyone out there absolutely love to go to the dentist as much as I do?! Just kidding. I am not afraid of going to the dentist but he ain’t my…
Now, Who Are You?
Who Are You? You learned a tiny bit about me last week. Now, who are you? Not your name, but who you are. I mean it. Do you know who you are? If all your accomplishments, human relationships, tasks, and possessions were taken from you, what would be left of you? I have this thing…