I am what would be considered “slightly older” and have never been married. I definitely did not plan it that way. I planned on being married a long time ago and having children and grandchildren. Life did not turn out that way for me, but I am actually not bitter. Anyone else out there like…
I Rose For You
My little brother, My little sister, I know you will celebrate My resurrection next Sunday with great fervor at the fellowship of followers you do life with. I love the worship which will be invoked, the music which will be sung, and the sermons which will be preached on My behalf. I know each person…
(Temporarily) Checking Our Sexual Desires as Single Christians
I was doing some research in anticipation of adding a page to my blog site on a very hot topic for Christian singles: Our sexual desires. And what to do about those pesky things. I found tons of articles for Christian singles about our base but very human desires. I’ve noticed, like many of you…
Hope for the Professionally Single
I want to share my heart about renewed hope for love as a professional single. Not a professional who is single (though I am a professional). I mean someone who has been single so long that I consider myself to be professionally single, someone who unwittingly has gotten “good at” being single. Recently, I’ve had…
Guest Blog Post: Where Are You Walking?
Life can be challenging at times. No matter how much faith we have, there will be problems, but we must not allow that to discourage us. If we continue to look at our problems, we can become consumed by them. Today and every day, Satan will send challenges and distractions to knock us off course.…
How to Prepare for the Great Transition
I did it. I moved myself and all my stuff this week from the west coast to the east coast. I sensed a calling from the Lord about seven weeks ago that I was to move to a specific city in a specific state. I was bummed because I wasn’t just I leaving the beautiful,…
Guest Blog Post: Four Major Keys to Unlock Your Life While You’re Single
Being single ain’t no joke. I was single, married, and single again, so I know what all that is like. My initial stage of singleness was a blur and I really wish I’d had somebody to help me understand the world of singleness. Today, I’m happily married for the second time to my lovely wife,…
Guest Blog Post: S is for Satisfaction
As children we dream about the future. We dream about the day we’re allowed on the big kid playground, when we can own our first gear bike, and what we’ll be allowed to do when we’re teenagers. When we’re teenagers, we dream of becoming adults. We fantasize about weddings and getting married. Finding that special…
The Hot Potato of Singleness:
Remember playing that childhood game Hot Potato, when the object of the game was to quick hand it to someone else because you didn’t want to get stuck with it when the buzzer sounded? The last person to get rid of it was the winner. In childhood, it was kind of fun. However, as single…