Christian Singles and the New “Christian Atheism”

I recently learned a new term that’s actually been around for a few decades: Christian Atheism. I thought, “How could that be? How could one profess to be a Christian, literally a Christ-follower, and at the same time be an atheist, one who doesn’t believe in the existence of God?” I was genuinely puzzled. Who…

When You’re Craving That Summer Hookup: Seven Tips for Overcoming

What a gorgeous day. What a fabulous restaurant to go on a date to. What a romantic sunset. What a beautiful moonlit night. What an awesome vacation that would be. And no one to share it with. These thoughts and others may cause us single believers to wonder afresh where our soul mate is. If…

Do You Have the Number One Church Addiction No One is Talking About?

There is a pervasive, destructive addiction that has recently been seeping through the body of Christ. Actually, it seems to have been around the entire existence of the human race and simply worked its insidious way into the faith community. You probably know someone from church who has at least one of these symptoms: They’re…

Musings About Getting Old Alone

I am what would be considered “slightly older” and have never been married. I definitely did not plan it that way. I planned on being married a long time ago and having children and grandchildren. Life did not turn out that way for me, but I am actually not bitter. Anyone else out there like…

(Temporarily) Checking Our Sexual Desires as Single Christians

I was doing some research in anticipation of adding a page to my blog site on a very hot topic for Christian singles: Our sexual desires. And what to do about those pesky things. I found tons of articles for Christian singles about our base but very human desires. I’ve noticed, like many of you…

Hope for the Professionally Single

I want to share my heart about renewed hope for love as a professional single. Not a professional who is single (though I am a professional). I mean someone who has been single so long that I consider myself to be professionally single, someone who unwittingly has gotten “good at” being single. Recently, I’ve had…

The Tie That Binds and Binds and Binds

For the first half of my Christian walk, I went to a mainstream denominational church that gave me the absolute best spiritual foundation that a fairly new Christian high school girl could ask for. I was well-trained in the basic spiritual disciplines befitting a follower of Christ: prayer, Bible reading & Bible study, scripture memorization,…

Maintenance Required

The last two weeks, I talked about Christian singles and finances. I noted that sometimes we single believers don’t have the best coping skills for dealing with life’s stressors. Sometimes we choose cost prohibitive, unhealthy, and ineffective coping skills to manage our anxiety, stress, disappointment, anger, depression, boredom, and other negative emotions. It’s easy to…

Money Talks, and so Should You, Part 1 of 2

Who hasn’t had financial struggles? I sure have. I remember the time just out of college when I worked as a temporary for several months. I had to pay my rent from week to week. I don’t know who hated that worse, me or the landlord! Then I got a job where I got paid…

But One IS a Whole Number!

When the idea came to me nearly a year ago to write a blog for single Christians, it came with this name, “One is a Whole Number.” I didn’t think to look up whether or not someone else already had used this name. That was because I never imagined myself writing a blog, let alone…