I Rose For You

My little brother, My little sister, I know you will celebrate My resurrection next Sunday with great fervor at the fellowship of followers you do life with. I love the worship which will be invoked, the music which will be sung, and the sermons which will be preached on My behalf. I know each person…

(Temporarily) Checking Our Sexual Desires as Single Christians

I was doing some research in anticipation of adding a page to my blog site on a very hot topic for Christian singles: Our sexual desires. And what to do about those pesky things. I found tons of articles for Christian singles about our base but very human desires. I’ve noticed, like many of you…

Hope for the Professionally Single

I want to share my heart about renewed hope for love as a professional single. Not a professional who is single (though I am a professional). I mean someone who has been single so long that I consider myself to be professionally single, someone who unwittingly has gotten “good at” being single. Recently, I’ve had…

Things You Need to Know About Yourself Before You Start Dating Seriously

Most singles want to get married. Though statistically, more people in today’s culture opt to stay single, most want to be married eventually. Unless all your friends are dating and getting married, there is less pressure today to marry, especially when you’re younger. Concerned family members may express their wishes for you to complete the…