Most singles want to get married. Though statistically, more people in today’s culture opt to stay single, most want to be married eventually. Unless all your friends are dating and getting married, there is less pressure today to marry, especially when you’re younger.

Concerned family members may express their wishes for you to complete the education you need for your career when you’re younger.  If they don’t have confidence in your level of emotional maturity, social skills, or experience, they may try to stall your getting seriously involved for fear of the type of person you will get enmeshed with. You may or may not take any advice they give and start dating.

After a few—or several—dates and failed dating relationships, perhaps even a failed marriage, you may wonder, “What’s wrong with me?”

If you’re wise, you might review how you met your past dates, how the relationship developed, at what point it started going downhill, and how the relationship broke up. Are you noticing a pattern?

Does it seem that you are dating several people with the same type of personality, although they have different names? Do you usually feel like you aren’t getting what you want from a relationship?

It might be you not only have to develop better communication and/or conflict resolution skills, or work on your standards or expectations (for more insight on standards vs. expectations, here’s a link to an  article specifically about that: Standards vs. Expectations: Why the Difference is Important to Christian Singles). You just might not know yourself well enough to know what you want or need.

It’s a common dilemma. Many people don’t know themselves very well, not even Christians. You may know your favorite flavor of ice cream, or what makes you mad, but there are many other things you may not know about yourself that would be vitally important to know and understand before getting involved in a serious dating relationship, especially if it can lead to marriage.

For instance, I have met several people, mostly women, who were so diffused in their personalities that they couldn’t even tell me what their favorite color was. That’s disconcerting, especially when they also revealed a consistent pattern of dating and marrying men who were aggressive, overbearing, and even abusive. Self-awareness is vital for our spiritual health and emotional safety.

In this article, instead of trying to list a long bunch of questions, I have found six free, online quizzes that you can take in a few minutes and be able to know something more about yourself if you answer them honestly.

It’s important for you to know these things about yourself so that you will better understand the type of person you need in your life, how you relate to your date, and how to remove barriers to acquiring and maintaining a solid and positive romantic relationship.

Here’s an example: let’s say you are an extrovert, but you have always been drawn to a quieter type of person because they’re good listeners and they seem so mysterious. When you’re younger, opposites attract. However, after awhile, you two have nothing to say. It’s harder to start a conversation and keep it going because you do all the talking. You might need to date an extrovert who gains as much energy from the conversation as you do.

The more you know about yourself before you start dating (or dating again), the better you will be at recognizing what you need and what you don’t want from a potential mate and a relationship.  More importantly, you will be able to identify what you have to offer and what you have to change to be in a godly, committed romance.

This is not to say that God can’t put a couple together who are total opposites or have very different backgrounds, needs, and desires. He can. Simply, it will be helpful for you to know yourself so that you can be better prepared for marriage.

Don’t hide from what you learn about yourself. Ask the Lord for strategies to help you change what you need to correct for Him, not just to be better prepared for marriage. Pray and become accountable to godly Christians you know so that they also can pray for you. As you let Him transform you in your Christian walk and character, you will automatically be better prepared for marriage. Know thyself, Christian, know thyself.

100 Hundred Things to Know About Your Character (you can ignore one or two of these questions as they were developed for creating gaming characters)


What is Your Emotional Quotient


16 Personalities (the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory)


20 Things You Should Know About Yourself by the Time You’re in Your Twenties


48 Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself


Your Spiritual Temperament Quiz

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