Reflections Causing Gratitude

I recently went to a prayer vigil at my church. It was simply a day set aside to reflect on our relationship with God a few days before the official Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday starts. You could come and go as you pleased, but there were stations in separate parts of the sanctuary to facilitate reflections and…

It’s a Beautiful Way to Live

♥I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the wonderful things you have done. Psalms 9:1 GNT “This a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” Maya Angelou Thanksgiving is this Thursday in the US. Several other countries have their version of thanksgiving, complete with their own histories,…

Avoid The National Pastime and Become Stars Lighting Up the Sky

You hold the door open for the person behind you. They walk through, stone-faced, and say nothing. You return something that the owner dropped. They say “Oh” and walk away, checking it out to make sure it didn’t break. You let someone cut in front of you on the freeway. No nod, no wave, no…

2016 Top 25 Holiday Tips & Hacks for Christian Singles

Instead of writing on “spiritual” stuff this weekend, with our Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve holidays fast approaching, I thought I’d give you a few holiday tips & hacks instead. Tips and reminders to make our holidays healthier, happier, simpler. Just for us single Christians. I looked for some feeder articles to start my…