Last week, I talked about how we Christian singles are in a spiritual war, incited by the devil. To read it, click here:

Remember when I said what was inside us: our will, values, motives, emotions, thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions? What is inside us and what is outside us gravitate toward each other to cause our downfall. Click To TweetRemember when I said what was inside us: our will, values, motives, emotions, thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions? Those seven entities are the biggest hooks the enemy will grapple to heave you downhill. What is inside us and what is outside us gravitate toward each other to cause our downfall.

The enemy plots our plunge into his prison with any and everything we inadvertently give him: ignorance, soul ties, mistakes, empty words, uncontrolled emotions or lusts, family secrets. Now come the actual strategies to recognize and defeat him and stop giving him fuel to use against us.

To start, let’s dispel a lie that will help us remove most of our inner hooks for the devil to grasp.


The Bible never tells us we have to be perfect as in flawless, without sin, mistakes, or damage. By the first time we read it, it’s too late.

The Greek word for “perfect” in Matthew 5:48, teleios, also means “complete, mature, finished.” For more info, click here:

The Christian walk is not our trying to be stoic, plowing through life and pretending we have everything together all the time. That’s the absurdity of the fragile eggshell of perfection. Instead, Jesus is calling us to mature as we trust and obey Him.

The processes we have to undergo as we mature helps vaporizes most of Satan’s access to those inside hooks. When the Spirit smoothens you on the inside, he gets nothing no matter how he jabs us.

If we call ourselves Christians, we can’t keep being the way we’ve always been. The evidence of inner transformation must exist somewhere in you and manifest. We can even tell what kind of tree is in front of us when we see the leaves and the fruit. 

If we call ourselves Christians, we can’t keep being the way we’ve always been. The evidence of inner transformation must exist somewhere in you and manifest. Click To TweetTransformation and maturity take time and commitment, however. Without being committed to obedience and spiritual growth, it will be too easy for us to relapse and stay immature. Examples:

  • Your mother nags you about getting married, eating out too much, keeping a sloppy apartment, or something else you’re comfortable about every time you visit her. After all, you are an adult, just not like It makes you not want to visit her, but when you think about not going, guilt shadows your soul. You pace, rant, and plan to avoid her for awhile.
  • Someone you know distantly announces their engagement on social media. You see who they’re engaged to and are shocked to find it’s one of your old crushes. Loneliness, sadness, feelings of being forlorn and rejected grip your heart.
  • The bills and debts keep piling up and the income never seems to meet all my needs. How am I going to pay my bills if I can’t get more money? I’m already too busy to take on another job and I can’t give up anything I’m doing. Idolatry, laziness, busyness, lack of self control, and anxiety stay entrenched in your life.

The devil will manipulate these situations, plus create new ones, to drag you down and keep you struggling. If the enemy can exploit the people closest to you to instigate your emotions, you know he will till it stops working. He fights to keep you just the way you are.

How does he have such influence? The more people obey that little liar, the more power he gains. With that increased power, stronger delusions will permeate their minds; 2 Thessalonians 2:10–12

Deception happens in your mind. The mind is the command center of the body with the will at the helm. If the enemy can loosen the will’s grip on reality and obedience through believing delusions, or having emotional outbursts, he can control the person.

That is why the Word commands us to be renewed, or transformed, in our minds. Then the enemy won’t be able to take control of our control center.  

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:1–2 NASB

According to Romans 12:1–12, how are we transformed?

  1. Present your body to God as a living sacrifice. Verbally give yourself to God. Recount and personalize His promises to His children, such as John 10:10 (“You said You came to give me abundant life, God”) and 1 John 3:8 (“Lord, You said You came to utterly destroy the works of the devil”).
  2. Worship and service. Spend some time worshiping the Lord like you haven’t for awhile.
  3. Don’t be conformed to this world. I talked a lot about 2 John 2:15–17 last week. Worldly influences sneak into your heart through the radio, TV, social media, family and friends, and a whole lot more. Pray and see how you can inhibit their influence.

How else can we apply the Word to no longer be deceived and manipulated, but mature?

Though it’s culturally popular, the Bible never tells us to follow our hearts. Instead, we are told to guard our hearts and commit to honor and obey Him singlemindedly. Click To TweetProverbs 4:23. Though it’s culturally popular, the Bible never tells us to follow our hearts. Instead, we are told to guard our hearts and commit to honor and obey Him singlemindedly: Proverbs 4:23, 1 Samuel 12:24, Psalm 86:11, Mark 10:23.

Ephesians 6:10–18. This passage talks about the armor of God and how to apply it. A good study about this is here:

1 John 4:4. Remember that the One living inside you is greater than anyone outside of you:

James 4:7. When we present ourselves to the Lord, we are submitting to Him. Staying under God’s  spiritual authority gives you authority over the enemy. When you resist him, he has no choice but to leave.

These aren’t the only scripture that address winning the war, but these are a good start. If you want to ask a question or ask for prayer, PM me through my public page at 

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