Strategies to Combat Spiritual Warfare for the Single Christian, Part 2 of 2

Last week, I talked about how we Christian singles are in a spiritual war, incited by the devil. To read it, click here: Remember when I said what was inside us: our will, values, motives, emotions, thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions? Those seven entities are the biggest hooks the enemy will grapple to heave…

Strategies to Combat Spiritual Warfare for the Single Christian, Part 1 of 2

Dear Christian single, In case you forgot, the devil, along with the world system he influences and manipulates, hates you. He will grasp at anything he can get his hands on to distract and destroy you: alluring but dangerous dating prospects, financial crises, rebellious children, disease, unprovoked conflicts on the job or at school, an…

Seven Things Jesus’ Resurrection Means to Us Single Christians

Yes, we just celebrated Easter last weekend. I understand that Jesus rose from the dead, conquered death and hell and all that (whatever “all that” means). All that happened 2000 years ago. Here I am, a single Christian in 2019, trying to live out my life. What does it mean to me, practically, that Jesus…

Scared of the New

Most of us like shiny new things of some sort: shiny new cars, unscuffed new shoes, crisp new dollar bills, and cool, new clothes. Yet when it comes to shiny new experiences, often we go meh no thanks. What is up with that? We don’t like the thought of blind dates (more often true of…

Shortcuts Christian Singles Take

Have you ever taken a shortcut thinking it was going to get you to your destination faster? The first time I ever did this bigly, I knew I was going to end up writing about it someday, and here it is. I was taking one of my first drives back from a vacation at my…

Plastic Fruit Don’t Taste Good

When I was a little kid, one time I pulled some little red grapes off these little stems and tried to eat them. Problem was, they were plastic. I was surprised to find that I could chew and suck on these plastic grapes and they wouldn’t chew up. I spit them out and stuck those…

The Best Wrap You’ll Ever Have

“A hamburger without the bun? They call it a wrap?” A hamburger wrapped in lettuce instead of the traditional bun was a new thing years ago at one of my favorite old hangouts, In-and-Out Burger. They called it Protein Style. Incredible. I was a bit skeptical. I wasn’t convinced that healthy lettuce leaves could replace…

Know What’s Better Than Loving Yourself?

I know I’m going to get in trouble with someone somewhere about this. Oh well; here goes. There is a lot of talk within the body of Christ telling us we need to love ourselves more. This is based on something Jesus said: And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with…

Your Dream Might Have Been From God

As a kid, did you ever see a photo of some impressive place and think, “Wow! I can’t believe that’s real! I want to see this with my own eyes someday”? New York was a city that I’d always wanted to visit, but I never made plans to go because I didn’t want to go…

Fixing Your Love-Picker

Sonya (not her real name) slouched in her seat. She glanced down, ashamed to look me in the eye as she told me she’d gone back to her old “boyfriend” again. He was self-centered and more interested in using her and her car than in caring for her. “You know you have to fix your…