Things You Need to Know About Yourself Before You Start Dating Seriously

Most singles want to get married. Though statistically, more people in today’s culture opt to stay single, most want to be married eventually. Unless all your friends are dating and getting married, there is less pressure today to marry, especially when you’re younger. Concerned family members may express their wishes for you to complete the…

A Letter From God to His Single Child: When You Are Feeling Lonely at Christmas

My child, beloved and adored, with a heart shivering cold, I see you are lonely at Christmas because you are not married. I see you glance, a bit enviously, at happy couples laughing and holding hands in restaurants and walking around the mall. I hear your sighs when you see another couple get engaged. You…

Ten Things Single Christians Need to Know About Their Enemies

My friend, there will be enemies. No matter how nice and positive and friendly you are, there will be people who do not like you for whatever reason. And each enemy can be used in your life to prepare you for marriage, believe it or not! Here we go… There are different kinds of enemies.…

The Real Blackout

Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The five who were foolish didn’t take enough olive oil for their lamps, but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil. Matthew…

Guest Blog Post: My Own Eight Keys to Successful Single Living (Venita Reynold’s article)

I have been a single parent, married, widowed, and married again, this time, forever to Ced. We know the hiccups, happiness, and heartaches of singleness. Our heartbeat is to offer practical, real-world advice to single Christians. 1. Pause. Slow down and breathe deeply. I remember after my previous husband died and I was widowed in my fifties,…

The Tie That Binds and Binds and Binds

For the first half of my Christian walk, I went to a mainstream denominational church that gave me the absolute best spiritual foundation that a fairly new Christian high school girl could ask for. I was well-trained in the basic spiritual disciplines befitting a follower of Christ: prayer, Bible reading & Bible study, scripture memorization,…

Marrying Outside Your Species

I don’t recommend it. Every once in a great while I will see an article about someone who married their dog or horse or some inanimate object, like the Berlin Wall, the Eiffel Tower, or even an anime character painted onto a body pillow. In the world, they have a name for it: objectum sexual,…

Resources For Christian Singles Who Are Dating

You did it, Christian Single. Perhaps the holiday magic did its work and you started dating about two or three months ago. Or maybe you have already been dating for some time now. Congratulations! It’s beautiful, exhilarating, heady, and magical, to be in the beginnings of a fresh new romance. Dating is especially awesome if…

I Don’t Want to Be a Christian Single. I Want to Be a Christian, Married! Help!

As part of an active leadership team in one of our church’s singles groups, I regularly facilitate table discussions on the evening’s topic. Inevitably, our status as singles and how it’s seen and treated like cooties comes up. It has been especially difficult for many of our singles as, over the last several months, various…

Unexpected Practice for Marriage:

I remember once I used to work in a restaurant. I worked alongside a man who was only a few years older than me, but he acted like the Great Old Wise One when it came to religion. His name was Bill. I didn’t dislike him, but he wasn’t my favorite coworker, either. He was…